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Latch Toggle Clamps With U Hook

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Latch Toggle Clamps With U Hook / 341-L

Latch Toggle Clamps With U Hook

The products are strong and suited for heavy duty applications.

The base, arm and stretching part are made of strong GGG-60 casting and coated with black electrostatic powder paint.

Hook and pins are made of galvanized steel for corrosion resistance. Dimensions and technical data are subject to change without notice.

Areas of Use Not Found

Model No Weight (gr) Stroke Holding Capacity (N) Exerting Force (N)
341-3-L 12000 N 95 10000 N 1050 gr
341-4-L 17000 N 130 15000 N 1881 gr
341-5-L 25000 N 65 20000 N 2270 gr

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